Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Celebrating Jessie

Today "our little Jester" would be celebrating her 10th birthday. I wish she was here for us to do that. I know she is celebrating much more than that in heaven, but for those of us left here, these days are hard.

But today I received some wonderful gifts in honor of our baby girl. Several emails and messages from people who remembered and took the time to say so; a very special lunch date with Missy ("baby of the first litter"); and this evening, in honor of Jessie's birthday, I submitted the manuscript to the publisher.

Throughout the Bible are instances where God has picked the youngest child, or one not assumed to take on a certain role, as with David. When I began writing the book, I thought the title would be, "The Courier," as inspired by Mycol, who worked as a courier when we met.

But things changed and God showed me that He picked the littlest one to title the book and to give it it's cover design. The book is now titled, "When We Move to Heaven: A family love story" and the cover was designed by Jessie.

I'm told this publishing company takes an average of 90 days or so, so in a few months I should have the news that it's finally available. There will be a website too that will have that information as well. But for now, I'm just missing our little Jessie, yearning for us all to be together again, and asking Jesus to tell her Happy Birthday from us.

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