I remembered having seen these and fortunately Diane saved copies and had them available.
The family story is that either Frank King, the creator of "Gasoline Alley" and other comic strips, or the creator of "The Gumps" was a good friend of my grandfather's. Whoever it was would poke fun at Percy now and then. These comics appeared in the Chicago Tribune and were quite popular. This first one says:
"It would have made an interesting story if I'd kept a diary of that car of mine, Walt. It's seen life."
"That car is its own diary. That fluted fender tells the tale of the day in 1912 you tried to beat Percy Ford to the corner."
"The transmission could tell you about turning turtle if it hadn't lost most of its teeth!"
"That cubist rear tire is a chapter on misplaced confidence and nine stops for repairs on a July day last summer."

The next one says, "But I've got an account at the 10 cent store and I know Percy Ford and everything!"
"Just the same I've got to have CASH!"
Then the two comic strips that appear together:
The Gumps: "Gee the old motor sounds swell today - and pep - you don't have to step on it - just pat it with your foot - it responds to the slightest touch. If a fly landed hard on my foot it would shoot up to 100 miles and hour-"
"Who does that guy think he is? Percy Ford tuning up for the Big Race? That guy has as much respect for the law as a bootlegger has for the 18th Amendment -"
"WHOA!!" "Get out! I haven't been driving an hour-"
And Gasoline Alley, which pokes fun at both my grandfather, and his race mechanic, George Rowell:
"The bearings must be nicely worked in by now, Sleezix. Let's step on it!"
"George Rowell warned me to stay off the speed for the first 500 miles - but it's gone more than that!"
"There I guess Percy Ford can't do any better on the Indianapolis track!"
"Jiggers, Skeezix, a speed cop! I hope he didn't see us!"
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