I arrived at the Liberty city park at 7:30, in time to hear the Charlie Gray Band, conducted by none other than master musician/clarinet player/U.S. Navy Veteran/photographer/fellow pilot/good friend, Charlie Grabein (see previous post, Feb. 2, 2006, "And all that jazz").
Charlie was the main reason I went to the City of Liberty's annual Fourth of July celebration, and was I ever treated to a wonderful evening!
Several tunes from the Big Band Era, Glenn Miller songs, and all the other old favorites, filled the air and set many toes a-tappin'. The drum solos were awesome, and the "battle" between saxophone and trumpet was original and entertaining-a real treat by two highly talented musicians. Another band followed, the Invincible Eagles Band, led by Jim Sterling of Sterling Real Estate in Liberty. They played mostly patriotic marches, John Phillips Susa, et al.
I totally spaced bringing my camera, so this picture taken from my phone will have to suffice. But picture this: I'm sitting on a top bleacher seat with some friends from church. The band sounds tight-real professional, perfect timing, perfect tune. A Liberty Bell stands to the right of the band, joining in for one song, proudly dinging its distinct sound of freedom in step. Then off to the right is Charlie Grabein's 1943 Jeep Willy, lovingly restored, complete with stars, name plate, the works. A large American flag hangs from the ceiling of the pavilion and we tap our feet and wave our small flags to "God Bless America", "Stars and Stripes Forever", "Chattanooga Choo-Choo", "Play Misty For Me", "Little Brown Jug", and lots more, all broadcast live on local FM radio station, 99.9 KSHN-"Shine All Nine".
I saw Dianne, our city secretary. She was handing out the little flags. So I walked over to her to get one, said hello to her, to Carl, our mayor, and his wife, and Al, a city councilman.
Charlie's wife, Ann, who gives the most wonderful massage, came over to sit with me. After the music, we watched fireworks, and while it was probably just like any other fireworks display, colorful bursts of light that make us all "ooo" and "ahhh", somehow, an Independence Day celebration in a town called Liberty is just, well, better.
Ann took me around introducing me to several people, including KSHN owner, Bill Buchanan, Liberty Gazette newspaper editor, Cynthia Smith, several band members and other friends of hers. I shook hands with Bill and said, "I think you know my brother in law, Rusty Blue."
Bill said, "Oh, yes! He's your brother in law? Now he's a keeper!" Now that's an understatement.
Since Mike and I began writing an aviation column in the local paper it was good to meet our editor, Cynthia Smith, face-to-face. She talked about how excited she was that there's finally some interest in the local airport.
Soon it was time to go and once the traffic began to clear out of the park, Charlie said, "Where ya parked?"
"Way over there, in the grass," I told him.
"C'mon, let's take the Jeep!"
Well now, the walk probably would have been good for me, but how could I turn that down?
Liberty is a small town-official population is 8033. What better place to celebrate Independence Day than Liberty, Texas?
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