Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thirty Days

After kneeling at the alter last night, thanking God for sending such an awesome shepherd to Liberty, Texas, Mike said, "You know, Brother Jim is always pointing back here to that cross when he's preaching. He's always saying, 'Look to the cross...' He's the kind of shepherd these days that's rare to find, one who honestly knows, loves and cares for each and every one of the sheep put in his care."

It's true. Brother Jim points to this window that is behind him when he's preaching, constantly saying, 'Look to the cross'.

The prayers of friends and family of North Main Baptist Church remain the same throughout these thirty days:

1. Pray for personal forgiveness and cleansing.

2. Pray for our pastor, Brother Jim, and his wife, Vicki.

3. Pray for the health of all those in the church who are experiencing physical or spiritual infirmity.

4. Pray that we will have the wisdom, discernment and patience to find God’s man.

5. Pray for God’s intervention and leadership in this search.

6. Pray that we will all step up and fulfill our roles here at NMBC.

7. Pray that God’s will is done in this church and its people, now and in the future

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