As the music faded to silence we bowed our heads, reverently joining our pastor’s prayer. God, give me the courage to say what I have to say…
Projected onto the white wall at the front of the sanctuary were the verses to be applied:
Deuteronomy 31:1-2 1Then Moses went out and spoke these words to all Israel: 2 “I am now a hundred and twenty years old and I am no longer able to lead you. The LORD has said to me, ‘You shall not cross the Jordan.’ Our pastor began to read, but left us to read the last sentence to ourselves.
As God transferred the leadership of Israel from Moses to Joshua, North Main Baptist Church of Liberty, Texas has begun the process of preparing the way for a new associate pastor who will eventually take over the position of senior pastor. There is great weight on the importance that the leaders and members of North Main know the man God will send. For the next thirty days the church has been asked to pray specifically:
1. Pray for personal forgiveness and cleansing.
2. Pray for Brother Jimmie and Vicki.
3. Pray for the health of all those in the church who are experiencing physical or spiritual infirmity.
4. Pray that we will have the wisdom, discernment and patience to find God’s man.
5. Pray for God’s intervention and leadership in this search.
6. Pray that we will all step up and fulfill our roles here at NMBC.
7. Pray that God’s will is done in this church and its people, now and in the future
My personal request to you is that if you are a part of the church - a believer in and follower of Jesus Christ - that you would join us in these prayers daily, for thirty days.
Because of the importance of this, for the next thirty days all posts will relate to this topic.
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