Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In Honor of Aunt Teen

Early Sunday morning our precious Aunt Teen left her earthly home on Catawba Road and moved to heaven. I was blessed to be able to be with her in her final days, as well as days in the past which have built memories that I will always cherish. Like our last climb up the mountain three years ago - she at age 90. Aunt Teen is the last person I climbed the mountain with and funny thing is, Uncle Lum was the first one to take me up that mountain when I was a child.

I asked Aunt Teen, if she gets to heaven before I do, would she tell Uncle Lum I love him, and would she tell Mycol, Austin, and Jess I love them and miss them very much. She said yes, she would. Its so hard on this side to say good-bye, but as one of her nephews, John, said when he spoke with a guy who hadn't met her, "You better go in there now, if you ever wanted to meet a living Saint, now is your chance." I think that sums up pretty well the effect Aunt Teen has had on everyone.

Many years ago, her sister passed on after a bout with encephalitis. In the tragedy, the family grieved and Aunt Teen's mother prayed that God would provide some sign to be a comfort to them. The prayers of a mother were heard. Aunt Teen loved to tell of how the house suddenly filled with this heavenly music, indescribable, like nothing they could hear here on earth. I know Aunt Teen is hearing that lovely, heavenly music now. I imagine her dancing with her sisters, parents, brothers, and many others.

One time when I was visiting her, before Mike and I married, Mike called to say hello, and we chatted for awhile. Aunt Teen asked about him, and then she said, "You better cabbage on to him!" I laughed at the cute "Teen-ism" and asked where she got that. She said, "I don't know! I think I just made it up!" And she laughed her adorable Aunt Teen laugh and smiled her contagious Aunt Teen smile.

Well I did "cabbage on to him" as she encouraged, and today we celebrate two years together as husband and wife.

Mike came out to Virginia to be with us over the weekend, and I know Aunt Teen would be grateful for his support. We are all thankful that she left this world peacefully, and even though no one wanted to let go, she has left a legacy of love, kindness, and gentleness that sets an example for all of us.

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