Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

The Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a vital part of the gospel message, for a dead Christ can save nobody (1 Cor. 15:1-19). The empty tomb is proof that He is the Son of God (Rom. 1:4); that believers have a future inheritance (1 Pet. 1:3ff.); that we will once again meet Christians who have died (1 Thess. 4:14-18); that our Christian ministry is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:50-58); and that Jesus Christ will one day judge lost sinners (Acts 17:30-31). The early church bore witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:22; 4:2, 33), and so should we today.

Wiersbe, W. W. (1997, c1991). With the word Bible commentary (Mt 28:1). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

At our church this morning we were treated to a very effective silent re-enactment of Jesus meeting the two on the road, after he had risen. This re-enactment took place at the sunrise service while we sat outside, facing the sunrise, watching it from a distance as the pastor read the story while standing on a bridge. It felt like I was an observer there for real.

Then later during the regular service we were again treated to some a very special service.
Several of our fellow church members performed a drama (you can see it, or maybe already have seen it before on GodTube). There were several original things as well which were presented at the special service this morning, including a very moving video featuring several other members of the church holding a mallet and spikes, or a crown of thorns, or whip. They put together probably 50-75 shots of different people as each one would hold up their hand and see they had a mallet in their hand, or one of the other things, and then look upward silently. There was music behind that video too. Anyway, this was a very moving performance, so here's a sample as performed by another church:

Celebrating the conquering of sin and death is indeed a Happy occasion.

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