Thursday, November 29, 2007

If you haven't seen the news yet...

I'm excited to post this news! Our YouTube video made international aviation news today on AvWeb! After you click on this link below, scroll down to the section titled, "News from Around the Web" and you'll see "The New Grass Routes--YouTube Airport Videos" with a link to the video Mike and I put together.

Ironically, if you also take the time to read the very next news item below ours, "On The Fly" you'll see an article you can click on about J. Clarke McNeace. Funny, funny, funny that it just so happens that McNease - code name "Otter" - is the pilot I flew with at Fighter Combat and the one who appears in our video where you see me doing some aerobatics! Otter has been named the country's first Master Certified Flight Instructor for Aerobatics. How cool is that, that these two news items appear right together? :)

Here's the direct link to the video:

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