Monday, May 07, 2007


Stan and Jackie are our next door neighbors at the lake house. They're really great neighbors to have and, as we discovered last weekend, have a great sense of humor too!

After Rusty had shoulder surgery, Kurt had heart surgery, then Corky had surgery, then Mike had sudden severe abdonimal pain and went to the ER, while Bryan was battling a vicious stomach virus, and Angie (bless her aggressive, competitive l'il heart) sprained a knee and ankle (attacking another player) during a soccer game!

Someone mentioned we should have a get-together at the lake house for all the recovering patients in the family and just this past weekend when Lynna and Rusty went up there, this is what they found - ala Jackie:

Yellow tape, taping off an area and a parking sign reading,
"Handicap Parking Only"

And a welcome sign on the door...

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