Monday, January 30, 2006

An Opportunity for Us - Pass it on Quickly

During my last trip to Africa our group toured a hospital in Congo that treats raped and tortured women. I just got word from Steve Mason, the producer of the series, "Crisis in Africa", that the three-year old female patient we met there has an opportunity to come to America for the surgery she needs. Please read Steve's message to me below:


We video taped in an extremely remote location. Some natives said we were the first white people they had ever seen. We did a med clinic there and saw over 600 patients, then walked 14 miles to next vehicle pick up and then it was off to Lietnam where we did a similar pastors conference from when you were there. At the first stop in Miam Pajok, Abram and James (the pastors from lietnam, you remember) had told everyone we were coming but many said they were liars and that we would not come so when we came, they were overjoyed, it was awesome to see God keep his word and encourage the Sudan people there.

Linda, you remember the little girl we met at the hospital in Congo, the three year old who was raped and then shot in the vagina. Well, we finally have a visa for her and her grandmother and they can come to USA, to Roanoke so the little girl can get the surgery she desparately needs. My wife and another woman here might be meeting the grandmother and little girl in Paris to help them get on connecting flights (as you can imagine, they have never seen a toilet before let alone tackled an airport and their native tribal language, no one will understand at an airport). One of the challenges we face is raising the money needed to get them here. We need three thousand dollars. Melissa and I will be pitching in but wondering if you wanted to help or knew someone who wanted to.

Let me know, we have to move on this within about 4 days.


Blog Readers: If you want to contribute, even a small amount, to get this child to the U.S. for surgery, please let me know asap. Funding is tax-deductible and should go immediately to:

Answering The Call
P.O. Box 4541
Roanoke, VA 24015-0541

You may mark your check "For Congo Child's Surgery".
The surgery will occur at Carillion Hospital in Roanoke, Virginia

And yes, the picture above is of this child and her grandmother.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our prayers and donations are both on their way. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.