Tuesday, January 11, 2005


My one and only painting. Thanks, Joanne for your patience! There's another one of those symbolic roads... Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a comment...

It was a painting that I kept at a frightening and uncertain time in my life. In it I saw a road leading through a narrow valley to an uncertain future. The path was trustworthy, though the travel was difficult.

You were, in your way, the catalyst that set me on that path. I wish for the both of us it had come some other way. The inelegance of the time, the emptiness that drew us together, and the frightened, confused self that I presented to you was not the way to do it.

Had I known then what I know now, I would have chosen otherwise. Yet the path beckoned and destiny will have its way.

There is, of course, something beyond those hills. Life itself is the privileged witness to behold it.

I am grateful for all of it, flawed though it was, and wish the best for you.

God's Peace now and always,
